STM32 Hardware & Software Design Part 4

Where we left off Part 1 covered the quick rundown of selecting the STM32 and assigning a rough pinout in STMCube. Part 2 provided a quick through the schematic capture process and PCB layout at a high level. Part 3 covered exporting the PCB for manufacture and a quick run through the ordering process with PCBWay. Disclaimer In this section, I’m using PCBWay for the ordering process example. They have kindly offered to cover the cost of the production of these PCB’s before this series actually went live. They offered some free PCB’s around the time I was writing part two, making it very convenient to use their services for this series of posts. ...

May 26, 2020 · 5 min · Ben V. Brown

H2O N2 Part 1

H2O N2 - Water Cooling an Odroid N2 In mid-2018, I started to move all of my home server use and compute from an HP microserver G8 over to ARM-based SBC’s. This move was inspired initially as a power-saving exercise to save the idle power draw of the microserver (50-100W). The original setup consisted of an Odroid C1 running standard developer services and the microserver moving to just acting as a backup device that only powered on to handle backing up computers in the house. ...

May 4, 2020 · 12 min · Ben V. Brown

STM32 Hardware & Software Design Part 3

Where we left off Part 1 covered the quick run down of selecting the STM32 and assigning a rough pinout in STMCube. Part 2 provided a quick through the schematic capture process and pcb layout at a high level. Part 3 here will cover the exporting the PCB for manufacture and a quick run through the ordering process with PCBWay. Disclaimer In this section I’m using PCBWay for the ordering process example. They have kindy offered to cover the cost of the production of these PCB’s before this series actually went live. They offered some free PCB’s around the time I was writing part two, making it very convient to use their services for this series of posts. ...

April 22, 2020 · 4 min · Ben V. Brown

STM32 Hardware & Software Design Part 2

Where we left off Part 1 covered the quick run down of selecting the STM32 and assigning a rough pinout in STMCube. Part 2 here will run through the schematic capture process and pcb layout at a high level. Schematic Capture I design exclusively in KiCad now, having completely moved off other platforms over the past few years. As such this guide will only cover KiCad related design work. I highly reccomend using hierarchical sheets in your design, to allow for both (some) reuse, as well as make the seperate building blocks clearly definied. Please, please, do not just throw your entire schematic on one page, it makes for a highly unreadable schematic for anyone else who comes along. ...

April 11, 2020 · 8 min · Ben V. Brown

STM32 Hardware & Software Design Part 1

Outline This is a half walkthrough / half hints guide to taking a base concept for a STM32 from idea to (somewhat) working hardware. The goal is to roughly document the path I use, but not bogging down into the details on things that are easier to google. For this series, I’m looking at designing out a small development board, designed to mount to the quite nice ILI9486 LCD unit. I’m designing this mostly so that its in a nicer form factor than other development boards, and so I can use USB-C as I really dislike USB mini-B. ...

April 10, 2020 · 6 min · Ben V. Brown