Setting up Intel GPU HuC & GuC on Pop!_OS 19.04

The intel i915 driver does not load the GuC and HuC binary blobs automatically due to previous issues / security concerns with the binary blobs. However, without loading these blobs, more of the processing is performed on the CPU. I use a Dell XPS 9360 as my portable laptop, and its CPU isn’t aging well with only the dual core processors (plus HT). I use PoP! OS as my main linux OS on all of my machines, however this same process should work the same for Ubuntu and family. ...

September 29, 2019 · 2 min · Ben V. Brown

TC66C Reverse Engineering

The TC66C Reverse engineering the TC66C USB-C Meter This is an interesting little USB-C meter, which I quite like. It has a very similar feel and operation to the meter I modified previously (TC64). This meter does support bi-directional measurement, so no modifiations were required to be able to use the meter at the device end of the cable. This unit will also act as a trigger unit which is really handy for devices that lack USB-PD functionality (Looking at you TS80, grumble, grumble). ...

July 21, 2019 · 4 min · Ben V. Brown

Adding a secondary sd card on Raspberry PI

WARNING If you are planning to use the SPI method on a raspberry pi 1, compute module 1 or a pi zero, please read the extra instructions at the end of the page. These devices require a driver patch & kernel rebuild. (Its not hard, just slow). Secondary SD For one of my upcoming projects featuring a raspberry pi zero, extra internal storage is required and I wanted to keep the USB port free for connecting as a OTG connection. ...

December 10, 2016 · 8 min · Ben V. Brown