#Talking to a I2C EEPROM using the STM32 HAL libraries

This mostly a note to my future self. This code is based on the excellent answers provided at the ST forums, but combined here as a complete class. This was used to talk to a standard I2C EEPROM, 24LC256. The following header file definitions are required for the class :

#define EEPROM_ADDRESS              0xA0
#define EEPROM_MAXPKT             32              //(page size)
#define EEPROM_WRITE              10              //time to wait in ms
#define EEPROM_TIMEOUT             5*EEPROM_WRITE  //timeout while writing

These setup the I2C address, the maximum page size of the EEPROM (32 used here for compadability). along with the timeouts. Section size is used internally similar to a ‘bucket’ that each object stored, is stored in.

Below follow the class functions used for accesing the memory.

void Eeprom::begin(I2C_HandleTypeDef* i2cPort)
	//init the eeprom object
	i2c_port = i2cPort;
//This is basically just a nicer wrapper
void Eeprom::readObject(structObject* settings, int section)
	//Read a screen settings object from eeprom
	readEEPROM(section * EEPROM_SECTIONSIZE, (uint8_t*) settings, sizeof(StructObject));
void Eeprom::saveObject(structObject* settings, int section)
	writeEEPROM(section * EEPROM_SECTIONSIZE, (uint8_t*) settings, sizeof(StructObject));

HAL_StatusTypeDef Eeprom::readEEPROM(uint16_t address, uint8_t* MemTarget,
		uint16_t Size)
	uint16_t Counter = 0;
	HAL_StatusTypeDef Result = HAL_OK;
	while (Counter < Size && Result == HAL_OK)
		uint16_t Diff = Size - Counter;

		if (Diff >= EEPROM_MAXPKT)
			Result = HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(i2c_port, EEPROM_ADDRESS,
					address + Counter, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_16BIT,
					&MemTarget[Counter], EEPROM_MAXPKT, EEPROM_TIMEOUT);
			Counter += EEPROM_MAXPKT;
			//and the remaining ones...low packet size
			Result = HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(i2c_port, EEPROM_ADDRESS,
					address + Counter, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_16BIT,
					&MemTarget[Counter], Diff, EEPROM_TIMEOUT);
			Counter += Diff;
		HAL_Delay(EEPROM_WRITE / 2);
	return Result;

HAL_StatusTypeDef Eeprom::writeEEPROM(uint16_t address, uint8_t* MemTarget,
		uint16_t Size)
	uint16_t Counter = 0;
	HAL_StatusTypeDef Result = HAL_OK;
	while (Counter < Size && Result == HAL_OK)
		uint16_t Diff = Size - Counter;

		if (Diff >= EEPROM_MAXPKT)
			Result = HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(i2c_port, EEPROM_ADDRESS,
					address + Counter, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_16BIT,
					&MemTarget[Counter], EEPROM_MAXPKT, EEPROM_TIMEOUT);
			Counter += EEPROM_MAXPKT;
			//and the remaining ones...low packet size
			Result = HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(i2c_port, EEPROM_ADDRESS,
					address + Counter, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_16BIT,
					&MemTarget[Counter], Diff, EEPROM_TIMEOUT);
			Counter += Diff;
	return Result;