Project Zeta

I have been following Veronica, a 6502 based computer being built by Quinn Dunki over at Blondihacks since the projects beginning in late 2011. Recently when sorting through my stock of collected parts I realized had almost all of the the required parts on hand. Whenever people talk about what they learned to program on it tends to come back to a few main chips, namely the 6502,z80 and the 6800. The z80 took my interest, partly because I liked the challenge of having less information and compilers to rely on, partly because I liked the IO input/output system it used but mostly purely because I had one that I believed worked. ...

May 8, 2016 · 2 min · Ben V. Brown

eBike Monitor

eBike monitor The eBike monitor concept is to provide a HUD for the energy information for eBikes. The unit consits of a small colour LCD screen that can be mounted on the handlebars or whereever you wish, and a monitoring pcb that is installed inside of the battery pack. Concept The system works by having the battery monitoring and statistics calculations performed on a small pcb that is mounted inside of the battery pack. This board stays ‘paired’ with that battery for the life of the battery (the boards can be re-used later on). ...

January 6, 2016 · 2 min · Ben V. Brown