PCBWay review

As mentioned in part four of the STM series, that development board was sponsored by PCBWay. For this review, they agreed to allow for assembly of two of the boards which is excellent as I can compare their assembly service. Since the Elecrow review, I have used their assembly service a few times for projects and generally been very impressed with the quality and contact. At a high level, the PCBWay ordering process was a lot more personal than I have worked with other unnamed vendors; which is fantastic if you are unsure in your designs and would like someone to review the design to make sure it’s actually manufacturable. Otherwise, everything is as you expect, the boards arrive on time, they all work and the assembly is done well. ...

May 29, 2020 · 5 min · Ben V. Brown

Elecrow PCB Review

Elecrow PCB’s Recently Elecrow provided the offer of $10 USD towards pcbs (Which can get one 5x5cm PCB shipped for free). The catch for this was to provide a review of the PCB and their service. I ordered two PCBs from this voucher, a yellow PCB that acts as an XT30 joiner board for setting up paralell connections between 3S batteries, and, a black PCB that is the top pcb on the openBMS project I’m slowly moving along on HackADay.io. ...

September 16, 2017 · 2 min · Ben V. Brown

TS100 Review

Review The TS100 is possibly the best soldering iron I have used for under $200. It is very lightweight and portable, runs off a wide range of power sources and has full PID temperature control built in. The built in accelerometer provides a protective sleep mode to prolong the length of your tip. With the 65W power rating, it heats to 360 Celsius in under 8 Seconds. Main Features 65W rated output (24V Input). Interchangeable Tips (<$10 Each). Accelerometer puts the unit to sleep automatically Runs excellently off LiPo Batteries in the field (Drill or Quadcopter or Car Battery). Also runs off most Laptop power supplies that you have around. Solid construction, fairly tolerant of being thrown in a field bag. Open Source Firmware allows feature additions. TS100 by Miniware firmware Over seven months ago I wrote about the new to me TS100 soldering iron, which I started a fork of the firmware for. Over this period both the firmware, I initially wrote to provide a menu system for configuration has evolved to provide more and more features at the request of users. Miniware have now released the 2017 update to their offical firmware which adds a nice menu system to the iron as well! So both are worth checking out. ...

June 11, 2017 · 5 min · Ben V. Brown